
  • All those  who have studied in the Department  of Business  Management located in the O.U. Campus and were awarded the Degree of M.B.A. (Day / Evening), MBA (Tech.) or Ph.D.,  in Business Management/ Administration irrespective of Nationality are eligible to be members / Fellows / Associate members of the Association.
  • All persons who obtained their MBA (Tech)/Ph.D in Managerial Sciences degree, having studied in the Department of   Business Administration situated in O.U., Campus either day/evening are eligible to be members of the Association.  They have to produce the relevant MBA Certificate before admission.  The member desirous of joining the association has to submit this application form in the required proforma by furnishing full details and complying with the payment of fee as prescribed therein.

Fee Details

  • Registration Fee: Rs 20/-
  • Life Membership Fee: Rs 500/- for MBA and PHDs. No associate membership fee for students.

  Total Fees For Various Categories:

  • MBAs : Rs. 520/- life time membership + registration
  • Students : Rs.20/- for associate membership registration
  • PHDs: Rs. 520/- life time membership + registration

Request For Patrons To Contribute To Endowment Fund:

  • In addition to the said registration and membership fee above that are minimums; prospective alumni members are welcome to patronize and pay additional amounts for endowment fund on a voluntary basis – there is no compulsion to do so. This endowment fund helps pay for essential alumni activities in superior manner so the common good for all members is delivered in better manner.
  • Membership fee is converted to fixed deposit and only interest component is used for alumni activities. Endowment funds boost the corpus funds as a result they increase interest amount received by the association. So more funds are available on yearly basis for supporting additional alumni activities or undertaking alumni activities in better manner.

To Apply Online For Membership – Click here